Handheld EDXRF
Atmospheric Heavy metal Online Analyzer

Application range
- Air quality monitoring;
- Characteristics of air particulate matter;
- Air background measurement;
- Environmental assessment, licensing;
- Pollution source location, source of pollution prediction and early warning.
Product advantage
AOA-100 atmospheric heavy metals online analyzer is an instrument of LANScientific based on on-line detection technology and automatic air particulate matter enrichment technology perfect union, in line with the U. S. EPA IO-3.3 standard method, unattended, long time automatic monitoring.
Performance characteristics
- The main engine adopts the international standard 19 case, which can be installed on the mobile monitoring vehicle, and can also be installed on the standard cabinet of the air automatic station;
- Instrument has a very high operating reliability and stability, but also with intelligent fault diagnosis and self exclusion function;
- No stray light path design, built-in multi filter, automatic switching to achieve low background measurement;
- Built in calibration module, XRF spectral horizontal and vertical coordinate automatic calibration, calibration frequency can be arbitrarily set, also built a specific internal standard metal source, can realize automatic quality control and alarm;
- By means of the mass flow controller and the temperature and pressure sensor, the flow rate of the sample is controlled accurately and stably, and the automatic calibration of the flow can be realized;
- With RS232/485, USB, GPRS, ADSL, Ethernet and other data transmission mode, you can achieve the operating parameters, state and data transmission, monitoring and inspection;
- System software uses advanced hierarchical modular design, with a strong, flexible data settings, calibration, storage, display, query, analysis, transmission and other functions. Data in line with the "pollution source online automatic monitoring (monitoring) system data transmission standards" (212-2005 HJ/T). At the same time, users can quickly and easily customize the expansion of any other custom functions;
- Professional multi radiation treatment, measuring the full range of the instrument without any radiation leakage.